Yellow Book
House book for foreigners living in Thailand - Long Stay
What is a Yellow Book?
- Government-issued document, Thor Ror 14
- Called a Tabien Baan (literally ‘House Registration’ in Thai)
- Lists all foreign individuals holding a ‘Temporary Stay’ or a ‘Long Stay’ visa/visa exemption who live at the condo or house address specified in the house registration book
- This often allows you to get the Pink ID Card which is often known as The Thai ID card for foreigners
Where to get it?
To apply for a yellow house book, pop into the or, more commonly, the amphoe office which is responsible for administering civil registrations for the municipality or district in which the condo or house is located.
- Passport (containing a valid Thai stay permit)
- Work permit - if any
- Marriage certificate - if any- together with your Thai spouse’s national ID card and own blue house book
- Lease agreement - if any - along with copy of your landlord’s ID and own blue Tabien Baan
- Existing blue house book - if exchanging
Name | Info |
Your Passport | |
Copy of applicant’s passport's photo page | |
Copy of Work Permit | |
Copy of applicant’s passport's current Thai visa page | |
Copy of applicant’s passport's current entry stamp | |
Copy of applicant’s passport's current Thai visa extension page | |
Marriage | |
Copy of Registration of Marriage (kor-ror-3) | |
Copy of spouse's ID card | |
House | |
Copy of Lease Agreement | |
Copy of Land Lord's ID card | |
Copy of Land Lord's Blue Book |
In originals and signed copies.
Eventual Requirements?
- It is not extraordinary for a district or local registration office to request a notarised copy of the personal information page of the applicant’s passport translated into Thai in addition to a number of passport style photographs.
- And, more than likely, you will need to be accompanied by one or two Thai witnesses (each with their own blue house book and national ID card) who will be asked to attest to your identity and your residential status throught an informal interview.
Information to appear in a yellow house book?
- Presents the information entirely in Thai
- The opening page bears the full address of the property as well as the residence type (either a condominium or a house).
- The second page features the full name, nationality, unique 13 digit citizen ID number and date of birth of the ‘Householder’ (who may or may not be the owner of the property)
- while each of the remaining pages shows the particulars of every other non-resident foreign occupant (‘Dependent’) who lives at the same address.
- Unlike the blue house book for Thai nationals, holding a yellow Tabien Baan does not bestow any additional rights (such as that to vote) for foreigners.
- It is, though, widely accepted nationwide whenever your address in Thailand needs to be verified; for example, when registering a Thai pre-paid SIM card, arranging a home broadband service, obtaining a Thai driver’s licence, enrolling as a patient at a hospital or clinic, purchasing a vehicle, transferring ownership of real estate, checking into a hotel or for an internal flight, opening a Thai bank account, or setting up a mains electricity or water supply
- Plus, it offers the holder the opportunity to secure the Thai price at venues (like National Parks) which inflict two-tier admission rates,
- makes them eligible to receive a Pink ID Card for foreigners
- not to mention affording a sense of being more a part of Thai society.
- And, any foreigner contemplating putting in for Thai citizenship must have their own yellow house book…or remain forever an ‘alien’ in the Kingdom!

Pink ID Card
ID Card for foreigners living in Thailand - Long Stay
What is a Pink ID Card?
On 7 February 2016, the amphur and tessaban received a new regulation of 2 pages explaining the process for this new “pink Thai ID card.
It is basically an ID Card for Foreigners living in Thailand on long stay.
Migrants workers from Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar have a similar card but it is white.
First, you need a Thai ID number to get the card. If your name is currently in a yellow (foreigners) or blue tabian ban (permanent residents) we suggest you to go at the amphur and/or Tessaban and bring all original documents and a copy of the following:
- Your passport
- Your work permit (if any)
- your ta bian ban
- Your marriage certificate (if any)
- Your 2 books for permanent residency (if you are permanent resident)
- Birth certificate of Thai children (if any)
- You must submit both thumbs as fingerprints
- Picture without shoes where they make the card
Sign all pages in blue. The regulation also refers to a witness, meaning you must have a witness that bring with her or him his Thai ID Card.
It is always better to bring more documents than less as you never know what an amphur can request. For example, I wouldn’t be surprised that a translation of the passport could be requested in some areas, even if the regulation doesn’t specify it.
This card is valid for 10 years according to clause 8 of regulation in 2551. However, if you are over 60, it will be without an expiry date (also on same clause 8).
According to law, they should ask you for 60 baht.
- Maybe you will pay Thai prices in national parks? Maybe you won’t have to always carry your passport
- But the visa is not written on that card
- This is an official ID from Thailand, with your name in Thai and your Thai ID number. It will also fix the spelling of your Thai name.

Disclaimer: No liability is taken or any warranty given under any circumstances for the information above being correct, up-to-date or by any other means valid. Please consult the official information site as per the link provided. The purpose of this site is only to make the information easy accessible and comprehendable.